You're Safe with Drake - California's Premier Personal Injury Attorneys

Drake Law Firm

California Personal Injury Attorney

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With Drake

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Fresno, CA 93704
(844) 51-DRAKE

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21 people, including kids, hospitalized after Greyhound bus crashes near Tulare, CHP says

August 3rd, 2022

TULARE, Calif. (KFSN) -- Multiple people were injured after a Greyhound bus crashed and landed on its side near Tulare Wednesday morning.

It happened just off Highway 99 near Avenue 260 at about 3 am.

The California Highway Patrol says the bus was cruising north on 99 when it drifted off the roadway and went through a chain link fence before crashing on its side in the Horizon Nut Processor parking lot.

There were 34 passengers on board, and 21 people were taken to at least three different hospitals in Tulare, Visalia and Hanford with minor to moderate injuries. Many of those hospitalized are children.

At this point, it's not known why the bus veered off the road. Officers say the bus was on its way to Fresno from Bakersfield when it crashed.

Officials confirm no one's injuries were life-threatening and say they're working with Greyhound Lines on the investigation.

However, those who were on the bus and their families want answers.

One concerned niece says she booked her uncle's ticket from Southern California to Sacramento and was his emergency contact but never received a call or email about the crash.

The only email in her inbox was at 6:20 am about a travel update, urging people to call customer care, which she says she did.

"I said let me talk to someone, and they said, 'Sorry, we don't have anyone. If you want to leave feedback, you have to email.' I'm like, 'How is it that my family is in an accident on one of your buses, and you guys fail to alert me?'"

When she finally got in touch with her uncle, he described his terrifying experience to her.

"He's like, 'I just remember getting up, and my entire body was hurting', he had cuts all over his face, blood coming down, and it was scary."

She says her uncle had only minor injuries and was released from Kaweah Health Hospital.

However, the thought that this could have ended worse for anyone on the bus stays with her.

"I just wish there was a better source of communication; god forbid people could have died, and would we have gotten a notice?" she says

She also says her uncle and others involved in the crash will be boarding another bus to reach their final destination.

In the last two years, federal transportation officials report that there were 33 Greyhound crashes across the US, three of those turning fatal.

Over the years, Action News has reported on a number of crashes involving Greyhound buses.

Back in 2019, a Los Angeles man admitted to crashing a bus full of passengers in Fresno while under the influence of marijuana.

38 people were on board, traveling from Sacramento to LA.

Ashton Castillo was sentenced to two years in prison.

And in 2016, there were two crashes in October and December in the South Valley, the first in Traver where 14 passengers were taken to the hospital after a bus veered off Highway 99.

Passengers said the driver was eating and had some kind of medical issue.

Just months later, there was a crash in Kettleman City but that investigators said it was another driver that lost control of a truck and rear-ended a Greyhound bus.

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Millions Recovered for Auto Accident Victims

Drake Law Firm is an award-winning law firm that focuses exclusively on personal injury law. 

Backed by a team of attorneys, paralegals, and support staff with over 100 years of combined experience, we have excelled in fighting for auto accident victims, and have recovered more than $150 million in compensation for our clients.

Drake Law Firm: Provide Auto Accident Results

Founded by Attorney Benjamin Drake, Drake Law Firm has secured notable verdicts and settlements in motor vehicle accident cases across the state of California. 

Our recent auto accident results:

  • $2.5 million: driver T-boned in an intersection accident
  • $735,000 recovery: motorist side swiped by negligent driver
  • $1 million: victim of rear-end accident
  • $2.65 million: pedestrian hit by vehicle
  • $1.23 million: motorcycle rider struck by vehicle

We fight for the maximum compensation possible. To discuss your potential auto accident lawsuit and how much it may be worth, contact us to speak with a personal injury lawyer.

We Handle All Types of Auto Accidents

Drake Law Firm represents victims who suffer losses in all types of motor vehicle accidents. Whatever your accident may involve, Drake Law Firm has the experience you need. We can help with:

  • Drunk driving accidents
  • Ride-share accidents (Uber / Lyft)
  • Crashes caused by negligent or distracted drivers
  • Multi-vehicle accidents, rear-end collisions, and intersection accidents
  • Pedestrian, bicyclist, and motorcycle wrecks
  • Uninsured and underinsured motorist (UM / UIM) claims
  • Passenger injuries, including public transit and bus accidents
  • Auto defects and product liability claims
  • Construction or worksite auto accidents
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