Personal Injury

What if you are involved in an Uber or Lyft car accident?

Benjamin Drake
August 29, 2024

In the case of all car accidents, especially in Uber & Lyft accidents, Drake Law Firm represents both drivers and passengers. We are always available to answer your questions, address your concerns, and welcome the opportunity to represent you in the most timely manner possible.

In the case of all car accidents, especially in Uber & Lyft accidents, Drake Law Firm represents both drivers and passengers.

What if you are involved in an Uber or Lyft car accident?

And as these multi-billion-dollar industries surge in popularity, chances of car accidents while in an Uber or Lyft increase. At any time you are involved in any type of car accident it is always recommended by our firm to speak to an attorney even before calling your insurance company.

Reaching out for a free consultation with Benjamin Drake and getting all of your questions answered is the best way to begin your recovery and compensation.

Can I receive money if my Uber or Lyft driver has an accident?

A: Yes. If you have been hurt or injured in any type of accident including Uber and Lyft you are entitled to compensation for damages. Speaking with an attorney for Uber & Lyft rideshare accidents is one of the best ways to recover from injuries and damages.

So how much money can I get for an Uber or Lyft car accident?

A: It depends. In legal terms, California is a Pure Comparative Fault State. This means the amount of money you are entitled to is determined by how much each party is at fault and the amount of property damage incurred.

In an Uber or Lyft car accident, your driver may be entirely at fault or may share fault and liability with other drivers, bicyclists, and even pedestrians.

Drake Law Firm represents both drivers and passengers of rideshare car accidents. For this reason, you want to trust your case only to a law firm specializing in rideshare car accidents with a proven history of results.

If I feel OK after an Uber accident, should I still see a doctor?

A: Yes. At the Drake Law Firm, we talk to clients every day who said they were “fine” after an accident. But in many cases, follow-up X-rays or routine doctor visits may reveal injuries. Remember, the longer you wait, the less chance you have of securing your recovery and the compensation you deserve.

No matter how “minor” you think your car accident is, be sure to get medical attention. It could make a major difference in your health and recovery.

What else should I do immediately after an Uber or Lyft car accident?

A: Let law enforcement and emergency medical workers do their jobs. If you are asked to get in an ambulance, do so. Don’t worry about missed appointments, or costs, at that time. Your attorney will take care of that later!

But if you are fit to take on some basic tasks, here’s a quick To-Do List:

  • Exchange information with the driver, any other passengers, and all parties involved the accident.
  • Get the name, business card and/or badge number of law enforcement and medical workers on the scene.
  • Take photos of any damage to vehicles, yourself, and personal property if you can do so safely.
  • Screenshot and/or download info on the ride from app. While you don’t need to do this on the spot, it’s important to do it soon after the incident.
  • Get medical attention… as noted earlier, and
  • Contact a lawyer specializing in rideshare accidents immediately!

Am I entitled to damages only if I’m injured?

A: No. While the largest lawsuit settlements or jury awards are for disabling injuries or loss of life, there may be other circumstances that entitle you to financial compensation. Consult a car accident attorney.

I’m a passenger. Can Uber, Lyft, or the driver sue me?

A: No. In California, passengers are Negligent-Free in any type of car other traffic accident. This means the passenger is never at fault.

So unless you were deliberately trying to distract or harm the driver (and we don’t think you would), you face no legal risk in pursuing your case.

How long will it take for my case to settle?

A: Again, it depends. While there are many factors to consider, it is important to understand the litigation process takes time. As Uber and Lyft Accident experts, Drake Law Firm first needs to determine who is at fault (otherwise known as liability). This involves an investigation and legal discovery process.

After discovery is complete, our dedicated attorneys can begin the process of making demands, seeking settlement offers, and negotiating.

While most car accident cases settle out of court, there may be a chance your case will go to trial. If this occurs, the process will take longer. On the plus side, however, jury awards are often higher for substantive injuries than settlements.

What about insurance?

A: It’s Complicated. Uber and Lyft each carry One Million Dollar insurance policies for accidents involving passengers. In addition, rideshare drivers must provide proof of insurance that meets certain basic requirements.

In the event of an accident involving an Uber, Lyft or other rideshare service, insurance companies and lawyers are tasked with the job of determining (A) fault and liability, and (B) which insurance policies are in force and to what extent.

My insurance company offered a free lawyer. Do I still need to hire one?

A: It’s up to you, but… Yes. Given the complexity of (1) determining liability, and (2) negotiating with multiple parties, each with her/her own insurance, the need for an expert and experienced Uber or Lyft Accident attorney has never been greater.

In our Legal Practice, the biggest mistake we see car accident victims make is accepting the first offer they receive from an insurance company. Don’t do it! The best interests of insurance companies is to spend as little as possible on settlements.

Instead, trust your health, life and livelihood to the client-driven legal professionals at Drake Law Firm. Remember, if you were the passenger in an Uber or Lyft accident, you are entitled to receive compensation:

  • Personal Injury & Property Damages
  • Loss of Wages and Future Earnings
  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life
  • Pain and Suffering – and more!

Still, Have Questions about Uber & Lyft Car Accidents? Give Us a Call!

We are always available to answer your questions, address your concerns, and welcome the opportunity to represent you in the most timely manner possible. We are here for you!

844 51-DRAKE